Jr. High Youth
(Grades 6-8)
Our youth meet weekly for fellowship on Wednesday nights and for worship on Sunday mornings during the school year. In the summer, they take a break but still get together for some summer fun and a mission trip. Along with our adult volunteers, the youth attend retreats, complete service projects, and go on mission trips that they pay for themselves through fundraisers.
The St. Luke Jr. High Youth, for Grades 6-8, grow closer to each other, to the people they serve, to their church community, and to God.
Jr. High Confirmation Class (Sunday mornings)
Sundays, 9:45-10:25, in the Youth Lounge
Our Sunday School class doubles as our Confirmation Class. We study the Bible and Methodism and talk about how it relates to our lives. Confirmation Class is held between the worship services, from 9:45-10:25. In addition to the Sunday class, we visit other churches, help out with church services, and have a lunch and discussion with the pastor several times a year.
Jr. High Youth Group (Wednesday evenings)
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday night youth group is an opportunity to put what we learn on Sundays into action. We work all year with Youth Emergency Services (YES), completing a service project each month. Along the way, we attend the District’s Middle School Retreat, play games, and have fun hanging out together.
Mission Trip
The highlight of the year is a mission trip that the Jr. High go on each summer. This is one of the best things about being in youth group, for the youth and the adults!
Social media
Check us out our Jr. High page on Facebook
News & Upcoming Events
To receive weekly news about our Youth Groups (including upcoming events), or if you want more information, contact Chris Archer, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, at chris@stlukeumc.com or 402-333-6886 ext. 318.
Sr. High Youth
(Grades 9-12)
Our youth meet weekly for fellowship on Wednesday nights and for worship on Sunday mornings during the school year. In the summer, they take a break but still get together for some summer fun and a mission trip. Along with our many adult volunteers, the youth attend retreats, complete service projects, and go on mission trips that they pay for themselves through fundraisers.
The St. Luke Sr. High Youth, for Grades 9-12, have a great time growing closer to each other and God.
Sr. High Sunday School (Sunday mornings)
Our Sr. High Sunday School meets between the worship services on Sundays, from 9:45-10:25, in the Youth Lounge. We study scripture and how it relates to our lives and inspires others through videos, art, poetry, and music. Sunday School is a great place to challenge our youth through critical thinking in a safe, open-minded environment.
Sr. High Youth Group (Wednesday evenings)
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Our Wednesday night youth group is an opportunity to have fun putting what we learn on Sundays into action. We participate in a variety of service projects so youth can recognize their talents and learn there are a lot of ways to serve. We join our fellow church members to enjoy our community and serve as we clean parks, hold donation drives, cook, and provide comfort and grace for several local charities.
Mission Trip
The highlight of the year is a mission trip that the Sr. High go on each summer. This is one of the best things about being in youth group, for the youth and the adults!
Social media
Check us out our Sr. High page on Facebook.
News & Upcoming Events
To receive weekly news about our Youth Groups (including upcoming events), or if you want more information, contact Chris Archer, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, at chris@stlukeumc.com or 402-333-6886 ext. 318.

St. Luke has a Young Adult group and we welcome all young adults between the ages of 18-25.
For more information about this group, or if you would like to be put on our list to be notified for upcoming Young Adult activities,
contact Chris Archer at chris@stlukeumc.com
When Your Child is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer
Click HERE for a helpful resource for parents of children/youth who identify as LGBTQ.
Additional LGBTQ resources from Reconciling Ministries Network: