St. Luke United Methodist Church seeks to be an open-minded church guiding its members to live purposefully, to intentionally grow in faith, and to significantly serve God and their communities.

We celebrate diversity by embracing people of all races, ages, cultures, religious backgrounds, marital/social/economic statuses, physical/mental abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. 

St. Luke UMC invites YOU to join us on this faith journey.  Everyone is worthy of God’s love and grace.

What We Believe

St. Luke is a Christian community seeking to understand and express the teachings of Jesus in our personal and corporate lives.  We strive to express Jesus’ recurring message to love and accept all persons, especially the marginalized and the outcast. We are a progressive congregation seeking to grow in faith and service to the world. The teachings of Jesus call us to offer charity and to call for justice for the wellbeing of all people.


We Believe:

  • That all persons are equal in God’s world and entitled to the same rights and benefits and are welcome in our congregation
  • St. Luke strives to be a fully inclusive congregation
  • God’s love can be found in persons of all faiths. We respect the rights of others who identify with a different faith or no faith
  • We believe that doubt and questions are important elements of a healthy faith-life
  • Stewardship (care) for economic and environmental resources involves a heart of generosity and the practice of sacrificial giving


St. Luke is a Reconciling Congregation and is a member of the national organization, Reconciling Ministries Network.  We celebrate diversity by embracing people of all races, ages, cultures, religious backgrounds,marital/social/economic statuses, physical/mental abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.  St. Luke invites YOU to join us on this faith journey.  Everyone is worthy of God’s love and grace!

Reconciling Ministries Network has many resources available on their web site.  Here is the link to their web site, which you may find helpful: