United Methodist Church & Faith Links (all text below in light blue is a clickable link)
UMC.org is the official online ministry of The United Methodist Church. The denominational website represents The United Methodist Church in the digital world, carrying out our charge as Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Web site of the Nebraska Conference of The United Methodist Church. This web site includes information about what is happening in our Conference, download copies of the Messenger newspaper, and contact information for Nebraska’s Bishop and other key leadership in the Nebraska United Methodist Church.
Web site of the United Methodist News Service, which gives daily news stories of what is happening in The United Methodist Church in the United States and around the world.
Digital magazine of the United Methodist Church, sharing news articles about United Methodists living their faith.
Web site of the the United Methodist General Board of Church & Society, the branch of the church that deals with justice action and issues related to the world community, political community, economic community, social community, nurturing community, and natural world.
Web site of the United Methodist Information Service…where you can ask any question about The United Methodist Church.
Devotionals & personal study
United Methodist Church History
United Methodist History Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/unitedmethodistchurch/timeline
United Methodist Timeline: https://www.umc.org/resources/timeline-methodism-in-black-and-white
John Wesley’s sermons & writings: http://wesley.nnu.edu/
Progressive Theology Links